Fergus Ryan Voices

It's all about the voice

My approach is to reveal the Authentic voice; its frequency, balance and harmony. I apply this to all voice work: Narration, Tuition, Wellbeing, Performance, Composition and Collaborations; seeking out the true voice of the story in a body of work or a physical body.


Rabbie bolstering himself in preparation for our June shows.

Thank you so much for coming to the AGEUK Gloucestershire Offices yesterday and for the excellent workshop you gave us all on voice production… I could tell by their reactions during the workshop they got a lot from it. It was great to feel that our voices as a group had the potential to be heard beyond the railway station!!!

Voice Tuition 2019, Libby

"Whilst playing music with Fergus I could always rely on him. He was helpful, supportive and caring - he would always encourage me to join in the creating and he took time to listen to all members of the ensemble. Rehearsals were a pleasure and I remember them fondly, his positive attitude and patience for the often hard work brought us all along. My confidence in general and in performing and creating music benefited from his knowledgeable, gentle words and smiles."

Paul D 17/09/20

Last weekend we sought out Fergus Ryan as he performed at the record store in Stroud. We were treated to his song Necromantic Badger. It has lived in our heads ever since! He’s a lovely sort of bloke and provides us with strangeness and joy. We’re not selfish though, perfectly willing to share, so here you are… https://www.facebook.com/scotchsittingroom

Comedy Songs 2019, Tom Brown:

Motivation to make music is an invaluable thing.  Focus to make sense of that experience or, to make music make sense, is a skill.  To characterise or phrase our musical experience, to define our emotional world in notes and melodies, makes us all feel good.  Fergus has an innate ability to steer that process, to make sense of, and bring clarity to that emotional world of sound that emerges in a music session.

Steve Haynes

I first made music with Ferg over 30 years ago. I've not been the same since 😀

Mike Williams